Featured Clips:
February 26, 2014 - Leaked Phone Call - Maidan Snipers
April 24, 2014 - Ukrainian Troops in Slavyansk
May 2, 2014 - The Odessa Massacre
June 2, 2014 - Airstrike in Lugansk City (Raw Footage, Maps, Proof)
June 2, 2014 - Airstrike in Lugansk City (5 Camera Locations)
June 2-5, 2014 - Obama & NATO in Europe
June 3, 2014 - Ukrainian Forces in Krasnyi Liman
June 3, 2014 - Slavyansk Under Fire
June 3, 2014 - The Government of Ukraine According to Severodonetsk
June 6, 2014 - Slavyansk & Normandy
June 7, 2014 - President Poroshenko's Inauguration
June 7, 2014 - Slavyansk: Shelling, Civilians & Strelkov
June 8, 2014 - Shelling in Slavyansk, Donetsk Region
June 9, 2014 - Slavyansk: Before & After
June 10, 2014 - Besieged Slavyansk & the State Department
June 11-13, 2014 - Destruction & Phosphorous in Slavyansk
June 13, 2014 - Ukraine's Azov Battalion in Mariupol
June 14, 2014 - Russian Embassy in Kiev
June 16-17, 2014 - Translating Ukrainian with Jen Psaki
June 17, 2014 - Russian Journalists Killed by Ukrainian Shelling
June 17, 2014 - Russia & Ukraine at the United Nations
June 17, 2014 - Civilian Casualties in Kramatorsk & Slavyansk
June 18, 2014 - Elena From Slavyansk
June 18, 2014 - Ukraine's Aidar Battalion Defeated Near Lugansk
June 18, 2014 - Jen Psaki on Poroshenko's Temporary Ceasefire
June 19, 2014 - Child & Church Custodian Killed in Slavyansk
June 20, 2014 - Poroshenko Confronted by Slavyansk Refugee
June 20, 2014 - Ukrainian Forces Attack Dolzhansky Checkpoint
June 20, 2014 - A Soldier's Mother in West Ukraine
June 22, 2014 - (Ukraine) 73 Years After Germany Invaded the Soviet Union
June 24, 2014 - Ukrainian Mothers Protest Their Children's Deployment
June 25, 2014 - NATO Secretary General & The State Department
June 27, 2014 - United Nations Claims 110,000 Ukrainians Went To Russia
June 29, 2014 - Slavyansk Market Shelled From Karachun
June 30, 2014 - Poroshenko Ends the 10-Day Ceasefire
July 1, 2014 - Shelling Severodonetsk
July 2, 2014 - Entire Street Destroyed in Stanitsa Luganska
July 3, 2014 - "An Army That Kills Our Children"
July 3, 2014 - Nikolayevka Power Plant Destroyed
July 4, 2014 - Lugansk & Izvarino Checkpoint Under Fire
July 4, 2014 - Ukrainian Army & Strelkov In Slavyansk
July 5, 2014 - Militia Retreat From Slavyansk
July 5, 2014 - Ukrainian Army Takes Control of Kramatorsk
July 5-6, 2014 - Ukrainian Army Takes Control of Slavyansk
July 6-7, 2014 - Shelling Lugansk
July 7, 2014 - Battle For Dolzhansky Checkpoint
July 8, 2014 - DPR Prepares for Ukrainian Assault
July 8, 2014 - Fatal Shelling in Lugansk
July 8, 2014 - Lyashko's Crackdown in Starobilsk
July 8, 2014 - Strelkov's Address on Donetsk TV
July 8, 2014 - The State Department, NATO & The White House
July 9, 2014 - Ruin in Slavyansk, Protest in Kiev
July 9, 2014 - Military Convoys
July 10, 2014 - Destruction
July 10, 2014 - Another Fatal Shelling in Lugansk
July 10, 2014 - Ukraine's Failed Assault in Karlovka
July 10, 2014 - The Donetsk People's Republic
July 11, 2014 - More Casualties
July 11, 2014 - Refugees and a Wedding
July 11, 2014 - Russia at the UN
July 12, 2014 - Marinka & Donetsk Hit From Ukrainian Postions
July 12, 2014 - The Militia
July 13, 2014 - Attacks on Residential Areas Continue
July 13, 2014 - Donetsk
February 4, 2015 - Appeals from the Students
July 8, 2014 - Fatal Shelling in Lugansk
July 8, 2014 - Lyashko's Crackdown in Starobilsk
July 8, 2014 - Strelkov's Address on Donetsk TV
July 8, 2014 - The State Department, NATO & The White House
July 9, 2014 - Ruin in Slavyansk, Protest in Kiev
July 9, 2014 - Military Convoys
July 10, 2014 - Destruction
July 10, 2014 - Another Fatal Shelling in Lugansk
July 10, 2014 - Ukraine's Failed Assault in Karlovka
July 10, 2014 - The Donetsk People's Republic
July 11, 2014 - More Casualties
July 11, 2014 - Refugees and a Wedding
July 11, 2014 - Russia at the UN
July 12, 2014 - Marinka & Donetsk Hit From Ukrainian Postions
July 12, 2014 - The Militia
July 13, 2014 - Attacks on Residential Areas Continue
July 13, 2014 - Donetsk
February 4, 2015 - Appeals from the Students
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