This report covers the events in Donbass from July 8 - 13, 2014, as Ukrainian forces tried to regain control of Donetsk and Lugansk.
July 8
- Ukraine Prepares to Take Donetsk
- DPR Prepares for Ukrainian Assault
- Fatal Shelling in Lugansk
- Lyashko's Crackdown in Starobilsk
- Strelkov's Address on Donetsk TV
- The State Department, NATO & The White House
July 9
July 10
- Destruction
- Another Fatal Shelling in Lugansk
- Ukraine's Failed Assault in Karlovka
- The Donetsk People's Republic
July 11
July 12
July 13
JULY 8, 2014
Ukraine Prepares to Take Donetsk
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko visited Slavyansk, a town in the Donetsk Oblast taken by the army three days prior. They moved in after forces of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) retreated south to the capital of Donetsk the previous night.[1]
"Help is extremely necessary for us," one said. "All the people are very hungry. There were 60 days without electricity, without water, without food."
Reuters reported:
Ukraine's government kept up military pressure against pro-Russian rebels on Tuesday, threatening them with an "nasty surprise", while the militants said they were preparing to fight back after losing their main stronghold...
Poroshenko on Tuesday visited Slavyansk, which lies in eastern Ukraine's industrialised Donbass region...
The rebels' loss of Slavyansk marks a major breakthrough in Kiev's three-month long fight against Russian backed separatists who are now calling in vain for military help from Moscow...
The fall of Slaviansk to government forces at the weekend has now swung focus onto Donetsk, raising the question of how the Kiev military will go about breaking the resistance in a sprawling industrial city with a population of over 900,000.
Security officials in Kiev gave away nothing about their military plans. But a spokesman for the "anti-terrorist operation", Andriy Lysenko, said: "There is a plan ... under which we will be able to liberate these towns (Donetsk and Luhansk).
"We are not publicising details of this plan. It should a nasty surprise for the terrorists," he told journalists.[5]
July 8, 2015 - Ukrainian Convoy nearby in Kramatorsk[6]
Interfax-Ukraine reported:
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has promised not to use aircraft and heavy artillery in the army operation in Donetsk, Donetsk Mayor Oleksandr Lukianchenko said.
"The president promised they would not use the methods they had applied in Sloviansk, Kramatorsk and Luhansk in the case of Donetsk," Lukianchenko said at a press conference on Tuesday.[7]In Kurakhovo, 40km West of Donetsk, Dmytro Yarosh met with Semen Semenchenko. Yarosh is the leader of the Right Sector and Semenchenko is the leader of Ukraine's Donbas Battalion.
July 8 - Semenchenko (left) and Yarosh (right)[8]
The Donbas Battalion Facebook page posted the following the same day:
Another division of the Donbas battalion has arrived in Donetsk Oblast. We are confident that with such fighters the east of Ukraine will step by step be liberated from terrorists and peace and safety will be restored in all regions and cities. Donbas is Ukraine! Glory to Ukraine![9]
Soldiers of Ukraine's Shaktersk Battalion were sworn in at a ceremony in the neighbouring Oblast of Dnepropetrovsk.[10] Deputy Commander Ruslan Onishchencko and Minister of Internal Affairs advisor Anton Gerashenko were present. Radical Party leader Oleh Lyashko addressed the crowd, ending with the familiar chant: "Glory to Ukraine!"
"Glory to the heroes!" came the reply.
A priest blessed them with water flicked from a Ukrainian-coloured brush, and they sang the national anthem.[11]
After this battalion was later re-formed as the Tornado battalion headed by Onishchenko, the Kyiv Post reported:
In addition to convicts, the battalion includes Ukrainian nationalists, including ones from the Right Sector and Spilna Sprava (Common Cause) groups. The Shakhtarsk battalion initially included the Jesus Christ Hundred, linked to ultranationalist Dmytro Korchinsky’s Brotherhood right-wing group.[12]Elsewhere Fatherland party leader and former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko showed her support for the military operation in the east by donating blood in front of news cameras.[13]
DPR Prepares for Ukrainian Assault
Meanwhile in Donetsk DPR forces were manning checkpoints and preparing to defend against the army.[14] A group of armed fighters arrived at a police station and took control of it unopposed.[15] Officers were gathered in the courtyard and offered to stay and join the DPR.
"Now I'll tell you," replied the DPR soldier. "Now there is only one subtlety. We are waiting for an attack on the city by Nazi troops, which are now moving to Gorlovka, Artemovsk and us."
Later he spoke of the fate of police in cities recently taken by Ukraine: "Kramatorsk and Slavyansk showed it. There were also those who wanted to stay with 'the people'. Everyone of them is already in Dnepropetrovsk. In Dnepropetrovsk, and in handcuffs. And they are severely beaten there... We will not keep anyone by force. I speak frankly."

"Many officers do not want to go, because they can lose their length of service, their service record, and pension," asked another officer.
"What can we say? The war is going on. Guys, you must understand."
The New York Times reported an airstrike near the outskirts of the city:
The city seemed as if it was waiting for something. Streets were empty. Many stores were closed. And rebels were building barricades on some of the smaller outer roads...
July 8, 2014 - Damaged coal mine[16]
The quiet was broken around 1 p.m., when a fighter jet fired at an abandoned coal mine that had served as a makeshift base for some of the rebels. Local news agencies quoted Ukrainian forces as saying that fighter jets had not been flying Tuesday. But the sound was clear, prompting dozens of pedestrians to look skyward. No one was hurt, but residents were shaken.
“I never thought I’d see such a thing in Donetsk,” said Alexander, 17, who was standing with his mother at a bus stop near the explosion. He said that his bus, No. 42, arrived with several broken windows just minutes later, and that people at the bus stop were panicking, with “tears and hysterics.”
He had been trying to persuade his parents to let him join the rebels, he said, and now he would redouble his efforts.[17]Russian news agency TASS reported under the headline "State Aviation Service of Ukraine closed the airspace in the east":
The Ministry of Transport noted that the resumption of air traffic in the area of the military operation will be carried out after full stabilisation of the situation in the region.
"The airspace is closed for any civil aircraft in order to ensure an appropriate level of safety. Through airspace is only possible transit of aircraft engaged in flight above (7900m)," - said in a statement.[18]
Fatal Shelling in Lugansk
In Lugansk, artillery shells landed near the InterCityPost building in the morning. At least one person was killed, and two were injured.[19,20]
"The car was hit with shrapnel," said one man filmed by "There was one explosion and there are casualties... Shelling peaceful civilians, how is it?"
"A child is left without a father," said one woman, a young girl at her side. "An ambulance took her mother. What is this? How long is it going to..."
She stopped as the young girl began crying, to pick her up and walk away.
More shelling hit an apartment building on Sukhodolskaya St in the afternoon.[21] VICE News filmed some of the damage and spoke with locals who were surveying the scene.[22]
"Let our government, especially the bastard Poroshenko, come here," one said. "Let them see how old people die, women, and children die. Poroshenko is a fucking dick."
Damaged Apartment[23]
"I was sitting in my kitchen on the 8th floor and all of a sudden: Boom!" said one woman who was clearing debris. "I thought 'Oh Lord, I better find a way out.' And the second time: Boom! And then a third time. You can go crazy and I've got a very bad heart."
"I was at work when they called me to tell me that my house was on fire," said another woman. "I left work straight away to find out what had happened. Once I arrived, I realised that the shell had fallen in the corner of my flat. Everything was destroyed."
Shell fragment[24]
Lyashko's Crackdown in Starobilsk
Radical Party leader Oleh Lyashko travelled to Starobilsk in the evening, a city in the Lugansk Oblast still controlled by the Ukrainian government. He visited the local Chief of Police, Askar Laishev, to inquire about Viktor Rybalko, who allegedly organised the May 11 referendum for the Lugansk People's Republic (LPR). He was accompanied by his own camera crew,[25] one from VICE News,[26] and the Lugansk Oblast Chief of Police General Naumenko.
"Rybalko lives in Koshevogo street," Laishev told them. "Our people monitor that street and they report that he isn't there. He left when the army entered the region. He left his house. This is the information we have. He left Ukraine."
(From left to right) Lyashko, Naumenko and Laishev
"Why are your hands shaking," Naumenko asked Laishev suspiciously.
"My hands?"
"He is worried because the boss showed up," said Lyashko. "Where are the terrorists... Are there terrorists in Starobilsk?"
After a brief silence, Naumenko prompted: "You have been asked. Answer! Why are you just sitting there?"
"We don't have terrorists in Starobilsk," Laishev finally responded. "We have locals who were expressing pro-Russian sentiments. But we don't have terrorists in Starobilsk."
"We have a democratic country and every person has a right for their own opinion," said Lyashko. "Let them express it. We're talking about the people who were tearing off the flags, who were taking up arms, who were blocking the state institutions, military units, etc."
"Nothing was blocked in Starobilsk," said Laishev. "We had a protest when the flag was lowered. But nothing else of what you've just mentioned."
"Did you fly the flag?"
"Yes, we did fly the flag."
"Did you hold an illegal referendum?"
"Yes, the referendum was held."
"Here you go," said Lyashko conclusively. "And you are telling me that nothing happened here... It's because of the inaction of chair warmers like you, we have this mess in Ukraine... Because you're ready to serve anybody, so you can keep your position and get your share. That's the reason why your hands are shaking and why your forehead is sweating."
"The police are with the people of Starobilsk," Laishev said at an earlier rally attended by Rybalko[26]
Lyashko left with several armed men to visit Rybalko's address. After a brief drive, they walked the final streets and knocked on the door.
After his wife answered, Rybalko appeared in the doorway. "You organised the referendum and the protests, didn't you?" Lyashko asked him.
"I didn't."
"You didn't organise anything?"
"Can I put some (other) clothes on?"
"Put some clothes on. Guys, please accompany him."
"Don't worry, he won't escape," Mrs. Rybalko said. "We have no one in the house."
While waiting for Rybalko, Lyashko spoke to the people who were recording his endeavour. "Did you hear? They told us they had no idea, that he wasn't there. Did you see this?" Turning to the doorway, he added: "I'll give him one more second."
He turned back to Simon Ostrovsky for VICE News. "In other words, the police is covering for the separatists. Not only are they not helpful, but they cause harm." Ostrovsky could only nod in agreement, presumably supportive of or intimidated by Lyashko. When Rybalko came down the stairs he was placed in handcuffs.
"When you were calling for Russia didn't you think about how it would end for you?" asked Lyashko.
"God forbid! I wasn't calling for Russia," pleaded Rybalko.
"And when you organised the referendum?"
"I didn't organise the referendum."
"You didn't? In other words, you did nothing. And you didn't speak at those protests?"
"No, I didn't."
Rybalko was escorted into a van by a man in a balaclava, and was driven back to the police station.
He was brought in front of Laishev, who was asked by Lyashko: "Is this him?"
"Yes, this is Rybalko."
"Well, what did you tell me?"
"That he wasn't here."
"Shall I shoot you right now or later?" asked Lyashko as he drew his gun from its holster.
"Go ahead, shoot," Laishev replied.
"I'll shoot... Is this him? You told me he was out of town."
VICE News ended its video with Ostrovsky saying: "So what happened after they brought in the suspected separatist, was that the Chief of Police for the Lugansk region asked the Chief of Police of this town to write a letter of resignation, for not having caught the separatist before. Looks like he's out of a job."
Strelkov's Address on Donetsk TV
Back in Donetsk, a local television studio welcomed, "for the purpose of making an address to the citizens of DPR, the Minister of Defence and the Chairman of the Security Council," Igor Strelkov.[27]
Strelkov was asked why Slavyansk was surrendered and forces redeployed to Donetsk and other cities. He responded:
From the very inception of the hostilities, Slavyansk served as a shield for Donetsk. In taking our positions in Slavyansk, we set up a shield to protect the entire territory of DPR and LPR. We bore on the main brunt of the enemy offensive and diverted its forces, thereby giving the political and social leadership of the Republics an opportunity to organise, and, in acting in accordance with our example, to take the reigns of (local) power from the Junta, to a certain degree preventing it from establishing itself. That is why, when we ascertained that this task had been completed - this task specifically - that in both Donetsk and in Lugansk, governments had been established that conformed with the will of the people in terms of implementing state sovereignty, conducting the referendum and being capable of creating their own armed forces, (we understood) that our own task had been substantially fulfilled...
May 11, 2014 - Independence Referendum in Donetsk[28]
And, finally, a day came when the situation developed to the point where we understood that the circle around the city had closed, and that the tactical plan of the enemy is not to attack us, but to simply level the city, destroy it with artillery and then run down our infantry with tanks. We understood that we lacked sufficient weaponry to defend against such tactics. Seriously lacked. We also understood that the enemy would simply exterminate us over the course of several days, without us being able to inflict corresponding losses...
July 4, 2014 - Ukrainian Military convoy near Slavyansk[29]
"Is the city of Donetsk ready, at this time, to defend against a prolonged siege, and, in time, for an offensive?" asked the host, who received this response:
Well, certainly, I cannot say that the city is ready for defence, if only because the city as a whole is still operating as if it were at peacetime... As for the armoured columns of the enemy, which is now massively employing tanks and artillery, at this time, the city can defend against them only with great difficulty and at the cost of significant casualties among the militia. However, we are taking urgent measures, on a daily basis, so as to ensure that the city is ready for battle. This is from the standpoint of erecting fortifications. With respect to the mood of the population, it is certainly apparent that the residents of Donetsk continue to lead entirely peaceful lives.
They are still having difficulty understanding, or they refuse to believe that it can happen where the enemy, the Ukrainian punitive units, will unleash a massive artillery barrage and conduct massive airstrikes against residential areas. Well, we also did not believe it for a long time. However, over the course of one month, or, more precisely, three months of being sieged, but one month of an active siege, we became convinced that the enemy has chosen the tactic not of acting against our armed units, the self-defence units of the militia, but a terrorist tactic of destruction - the destruction of infrastructure, the destruction of industrial enterprises.
June 8, 2014 - Artillery Shelling of Slavyansk[30]
However strange it may seem, and I do not find it strange at all, though some may, the primary targets subjected to strikes in Slavyansk and Kramatorsk were not the positions of the militia, though they were perfectly well known, and not even the city districts, but factories and industrial enterprises... In other words, the purpose we are talking about here was not to clear the militia from the city. That was not their intention. Their intention was to cause maximum possible destruction to the infrastructure while clearing the militia out, thereby leaving people without jobs, without housing, without necessities of life. In effect, to fulfil the task of forcing people into an exodus, by leaving them without the means to survive even following the cessation of hostilities.
I am firmly of the opinion that the current Ukrainian leadership and the leadership of the Ukrainian army will not shy away from doing the same to Donetsk. No one should have any illusions - even if we were to withdraw from here, they will not allow the residents of Donetsk to continue living here. The so-called United Europe does not want any competition from the Donetsk industry. They do not wish any competition from (our) scientists. All they want to remain here is a territory where they can source several hundred thousand or maybe even a few million units of cheap workforce, so as to put them to use in Europe. This is all that they want.
June 27, 2014 - Poroshenko signs the EU Association Agreement[31]
"And the shale gas, of course," added Pavel Gubarev, who was introduced as the head of the DPR People's Militia.
"What happened today at the Coal Mine # 21 at Pokrovka?" the host asked Strelkov.
"A Su-25 aircraft attacked and fired eight rockets at what they thought to be the positions of one of our detachments. But it missed."
"And can you comment on the military situation at the city of Snezhnoye and at Saur-Mogilla? How are our militiamen holding up there?"
Strelkov replied:
They are holding well. A joint detachment is stationed there. First, I would like to mention that Battalion Vostok is stationed there, headed up by a sufficiently competent commander. He completely arranged his fighters, enabling them to continue to hold this key position with minimal casualties. I believe that we will continue to hold Snezhnoye and areas in the vicinity. Substantial reinforcements have been directed there. We will not allow the enemy to achieve a breakthrough in the direction of the Don River, cutting off the corridor that now connects us to the Lugansk Region."So we have coordination with Lugansk at the moment?" asked the host.
"There is nothing to brag about at the moment. Our coordination is weak, but it is progressively getting better."
The State Department, NATO & The White House
Jen Psaki of the U.S. Department of State was questioned about the situation in Ukraine at the Daily Press Briefing.[32] Associated Press correspondent Matt Lee said:
It looks like people, the separatists from Donetsk are gearing up for a big, a last stand, and that the Ukrainian authorities are doing the same, around these last little enclaves in the east and I'm wondering... to date do you believe that either or both, or neither side, has shown any inclination to heed the call for restraint and for, you know, trying to minimise, or prevent at all, civilian casualties?
You were presented here at the briefing yesterday with some graphic photos, I don't know if they could be authenticated or not but I mean, have you expressed concern to authorities in Kiev and also to the Russians for whatever influence they can have with the separatists, about things like that?
July 7, 2014 - RT's Gayane Chichakyan with pictures from Kondrashovka[33]
Psaki replied:
Well, one, I mean, we, in general the Ukrainian security forces have sought to minimise casualties, among the Ukrainian population, during their security operation. There have been numerous reports on the contrary, Russian backed separatists using privately owned buildings, as firing positions. We've also seen a great deal of exaggerated and outright false claims from Russian sources throughout the crisis in Ukraine. So certainly we would encourage all sides to minimise civilian casualties and we've also seen the Ukrainian government make efforts to do just that themselves.NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen spoke to the press from outside the White House:
If Russia were to intervene further in Ukraine, or if Russia continues to destabilise the situation in eastern Ukraine, Russia will be met by broader and deeper economic sanctions that would really hurt the Russian economy. .. I strongly regret that armed gangs of separatists didn't respect that ceasefire, but I think that President Poroshenko deserves all support for his efforts to find a peaceful solution.[34]Inside the White House, Press Secretary Josh Earnest also spoke about Ukraine and Russia:
As we have said all along, that the economic costs that can be imposed on Russia, for their failure to respect the territorial sovereignty of Ukraine, is most effective if we can work in close collaboration with our partners... So the President has been working very closely with our allies to ensure that we are working in close coordination to further isolate Russia if necessary. So what we are doing is watching very closely whether or not President Putin is heeding the urgings of the international community to stop the transfer of heavy weaponry and materiel from the Russian side of the border, to separatists on the Ukrainian side of the border. We've been urging President Putin to play a constructive role in encouraging those separatists to lay down their arms, and we will be continuing to evaluate his performance when it comes to those metrics...[35]
JULY 9, 2014
Ruin in Slavyansk, Protest in Kiev
Kai Vittrup from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) visited Slavyansk and spoke to the press about his task:
We have to first of all find out what is the status here, how is it functioning, how are people living. We come from as you can see OSCE, and one of our tasks is ... to go in here and find out how are people living - what about electricity, food, water, hospitals, security, police, all those good things - to provide 57 member states with those information so the member states know what to do.[36]
July 9, 2014 - Destruction in Slavyansk
In Kiev the "Anti-War" group organised a small protest outside a visiting European Union delegation. Dnepropetrovsk City Councillor Victoria Shilova explained why she was there:
We are here to attract attention and denounce the killing of civilians and particularly kids. There are only mothers in our association - we don't have weapons or money, just our Ukrainian passport and citizenship. So no matter where our Ukrainian children are living - in Lviv, in Dragobyishi, or in Donetsk and Lugansk - we are asking our Ukrainian army to stop killing our Ukrainian children. You are willing to deal with military people? Go ahead, man against man. But not against children... The youngest kid - Igor - was a 10 month old baby. He had died because of the fragment wound in the heart. He had just started to walk. In Lugansk Region. Is it normal?[37]
Igor Aleksandrov was killed on June 24, 2014[38]
"I don't even want to qualify what they are doing. It's clear to everyone. To fight against their own people - it's a crime. If they say that Donbass is Ukraine, why do they kill their Ukrainian people in Donbass?"
Later she addressed the European visitors inside in the building:
Who will answer for what is happening in Donbass? We are the Ukrainian people, we are Ukraine. We demand to stop waging war against the Ukrainian people, against Ukrainian children.Children. Who are children? Are they separatists and terrorists at 10 months old? How much longer do you need to fight? How much longer do you need to kill our children? Men, I appeal to you. Men from the European Union, I appeal to you. How much longer are you going to kill children? You accepted Ukraine into the Euro Association, don't you see what is happening or are you blind...
Here's a manual, a booklet, where it tells exactly what is happening, how many died. There are photos, they are corresponding. I will now show you on the camera what those pictures are. Please, have a look, this is in Europe. Is it possible in Europe or not? Are such horrors possible in Europe? Once it was in Serbia, in Yugoslavia, and now it is in Ukraine, in my dear country. In Donbass, on Ukrainian land such things are happening. Where they bomb Ukrainian towns and villages...
Maybe somebody will see this, those who look out of the window? They don't come down to us, they don't want to take an official message. We can't reach out, TV channels don't hear us, they don't let us on air, they don't show the truth. I encourage not only Europe, but also America and all the other countries. Look at what is happening in Ukraine. In our home country which entered the Euro Association. Is this normal European life, to kill children? Is this normal European life, when women in Lugansk got their feet blown off after the so-called explosion of air conditioner?[39] 12 people were killed and 8 women died in Lugansk. Odessa - is that a democracy? Is this freedom of speech? Look at that. What if it was your children, respected European comrades, what if it was your children...
May 2, 2014 - At least 40 people were killed in Odessa[40]
You all should sit down at the negotiating table, absolutely all conflicting parties and see what comes of it. And it's not the war that must go on, it's the truce.[41]
Military Convoys
A large Ukrainian convoy was filmed in Mariupol, a city in the Donetsk Oblast secured by the Azov battalion on June 13.[42] Tanks, APCs, trucks and heavy weaponry travelled single file down the city streets.[43]
Equipment was also filmed on the other side of the front lines, with LPR tanks rolling through the streets of Lugansk.[46] They were accompanied by trucks and at least one Grad.
JULY 10, 2014
Agence France-Presse (AFP) released a video report titled: "Small eastern Ukraine city taken back by Ukrainian forces."[47] The description read: "The small city of Nikolayevka, in east Ukraine, has been heavily hit by airstrikes and taken back by Ukrainian forces." They showed a scooped out apartment building and spoke with a local resident named Viktor.
Near Donetsk the AFP filmed Ukrainian tanks, trucks and Grad rocket launchers and spoke with one balaclava-clad soldier.[48]
"We arrived yesterday evening," he said. "Our mission is to protect the civilian population of the Donetsk region from separatists... We hope that the end of the anti-terrorist operation will come soon. We will win, and we will bring peace to Ukraine... If we receive the order to enter Donetsk, we will. If we are told to stay here, we will follow orders."
July 10, 2014 - Ukrainian tanks in Sumy (North-East Ukraine)[49]
Early in the morning numerous shells landed in Severodonetsk, a city in the Lugansk Oblast.[50,51] A hotel and nearby buildings were damaged.[52,53]
Elsewhere in the Lugansk Oblast an explosion was filmed at a coal mine in Rovenki.[54]
Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk spoke about privatising state assets.[55] "We will announce the most ambitious privatisation plan in 20 years," he said during an agricultural forum broadcast on Ukrainian TV.
A large queue was filmed trying to enter Crimea from Ukraine.[56]
Another Fatal Shelling in Lugansk
Later the father arrived and spoke about the tragedy to a correspondent for Anna News.[59] "Well, what happened - my spouse was located on the balcony," he said. "And a few shells... from the side of the forest belt. In that direction. Most likely from that direction. Judging by it, it's most likely Grad installation, because the shells, 4 or so hit here."
"They hit instantly?" asked the correspondent. "All at once?"
"Yes, it seems so. Only the balcony got damaged."
"They aimed, this was a deliberate fire," added the daughter. "They said that her chest was immediately torn and her hands were blown off."
Lugansk 24 filmed the damaged balcony and other areas that were hit; at least one resident blamed Poroshenko for the attack.[60]
Ukraine's Failed Assault in Karlovka
The Ukrainian Army attempted to push further into DPR controlled territory through the town of Karlovka. Dmytro Yarosh and soldiers with black-red Right Sector patches were involved.[61,62]
With tanks, gun-mounted trucks, rocket launchers and rifles, dozens of fighters prepared to advance. They surveyed maps, sent out surveillance drones, used camouflaged snipers and fired some artillery shells ahead. They piled onto APCs and into other vehicles and pushed forward. Two cameras were present to catch the anticipated glory on film, including a soldier's helmet cam.
Further along the vehicles came to a halt. Soldiers scouted ahead on foot, while others took positions in the bushes on the side of the road. They communicated over radio as they searched for DPR fighters.
Shots rang out at the front. Some soldiers advanced from the rear while most awaited further orders in the bushes and behind vehicles on the road.
One soldier lit a smoke; another kept watch down his gunsights. They were in the bushes looking ahead when they were seemingly ambushed from the right. They spun around and fired aimlessly into the trees, retreating back on to the road.
Soldiers taking cover behind a van had to scuttle backwards as it began reversing. A line formed running back down the road they came from. A tank reversed into another vehicle as it hastily tried to leave. Soon all forces were steadily retreating, firing into the trees as they went. Eventually they made it back to base, with at least one casualty from the shooting.
The Donetsk People's Republic
Igor Strelkov and the DPR Prime Minister Alexei Borodai held a press conference in Donetsk.[63,64] Strelkov was introduced by Borodai as the DPR Defence Minister and gave an update on the conflict:
The enemy is moving on to a systematic siege of Donetsk and of the entire Donetsk-Makeevka urban agglomeration. Attempting to close the encirclement on all sides. To the north, the enemy is advancing in the direction of Lisichansk. Yesterday, our forces left the city of Seversk in response to the direct danger of being encircled. The detachments of the Militia have moved on to positions atop the strategic heights between Seversk and Lisichansk. Our advance positions in this region are spread along the Popasnoye-Gorlovka-Dzerzhinsk line, terminating in Donetsk.
This morning, obstinate fighting resumed in the Karlovka area. The enemy attempted to attack using tank and infantry units. The attack was repelled. Two tanks were destroyed. The infantry attack was repelled. Thereafter, and until present, an artillery battle between the two sides has been continuing in the area. Reinforcements, which should repel the enemy’s attack, have been sent to the location. Unfortunately, we also have sustained losses there.
The front lines continue from Karlovka along the western outskirts, along the suburban settlements of Donetsk. From there, along the southern outskirts of Donetsk, all the way to Ilovaisk. From there, along the line to Shakhtarsk-Torez-Snezhnoye. The major hostilities on the southern front have concentrated in the areas of the Saur Mogila and the villages of Dmitrovka and Stepanovka, where uninterrupted positional battles and exchanges of artillery strikes continue.
Today, at 14:00, our special purpose unit, supported with artillery, attacked the enemy positions in the area of the (Donetsk) airport. Our units were not tasked with taking control of the airport. Nevertheless, our side inflicted serious manpower losses on the enemy. There were no losses on our part.
DPR fighters attack Ukrainian positions at the airport[65]
Ukrainian forces gained control of the airport on May 26, with an air assault against DPR forces the day after the election of President Poroshenko.[66]
Strelkov continued:
Overall, the situation remains tense. However, the militia is prepared to defend Donetsk and the entire Donetsk urban agglomeration firmly and steadfastly. We expect to be able to retain key positions around the city and will not allow the enemy inside city or permit Donetsk to be encircled from the East or the Northeast.
In this regard, we are absolutely certain that assistance will be furnished by the units of Alexander Mozogovoi, who is formally a part of the LPR army, but has been acting in operational subordination to our headquarters.
May 19, 2014 - BBC report featuring Mozgovoi[67]
Morover, we (ourselves) have the necessary reserves to parry the enemy's strikes. We were able to free up these reserves by withdrawing from Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, Druzhkovka and Konstantinovka.Borodai was asked by a reporter about his recent trip to Moscow, and who he met with. He answered:
I was there for political consultations, which, in my opinion, were daily successful. With respect to the people I met, I will certainly not reveal that. This secret, if you will, belongs to the area of military intelligence. However, I consider these consultations to be very successful, and I am very much counting on the assistance of the Russian Federation in the nearest possible future. As it is, the Russian people, at present, are already providing colossal assistance to us, both in terms of volunteers and in terms of humanitarian aid. I expect that this assistance will grow.In response to a question about cooperation with the LPR, Strelkov said:
All right, briefly. At this time, we are forming a joint staff of the military forces of the Donetsk and the Lugansk People’s Republics. The location of the headquarters has already been established. The formation process is nearing its culmination. In the nearest term, the unified military command of Novorossiya will be ready. At this time, this is all that I can say with respect to this issue.
Strelkov(left) and Borodai(right)
"The Donetsk People's Republic and the People's Militia of Donbass positions itself as being comprised of people that come from the land of Donbass," said one reporter. "How did it come to be that before us are two citizens of the Russian Federation that command the entire enterprise? How did it happen?"
Boradai replied, smiling:
I’ll tell you it’s worse that that. There are two Muscovites sitting before you. Yes, that’s what they say. We see nothing wrong in this. Absolutely nothing. I would like to tell you that both Igor and I have been volunteers for a very long time. The volunteer movement is very developed in Russia.
The people of Donbass rose up by themselves. The fact that due to certain competencies, qualities and abilities both of us ended up at the head of this movement – well, that’s what happened. This is normal and natural.
Moreover, please take into account the fact that the entire liberation movement of Donbass is oriented toward the Russian Federation. Oriented, however you put it, be it spiritually or otherwise. And expects Moscow’s arrival here, in a good sense of the word. Expects, desires, simply prays for it – prays for the time of this arrival. And, simply put, any people from Moscow are welcomed here.
April 12, 2014 - "Pro-Russian" protests in Slavyansk[68]
"Igor Ivanovich, how many people signed up to join the ranks of the militia after the redeployment of your garrison (to Donetsk)?" asked a reporter, to which Strelkov replied:
There has been a lot. The thing is that at least several battalions worth joined us right away, numbering between 300 and 500 men. These battalions were already here in the process of being formed and immediately joined the ranks of the Militia. Every day we receive people both at our headquarters and through the battalions stationed on the outskirts of the city. Accordingly, I find it very difficult to say exactly how many. However, we must be talking about at least a thousand men over the course of the last month.
July 10, 2014 - A DPR convoy in Donetsk
Fighting continued into the evening around the airport.[69]
JULY 11, 2014
More Casualties
A funeral was held in Chernuhino - a town in the Lugansk Oblast - for a rebel fighter named Vadim.[70] It was covered by a correspondent for VICE news, who said: "Whilst the government is trying desperately to seize back territory from the rebels, they risk alienating the local population, whose once peaceful lives have been turned upside down by the indiscriminate killing."
"Fucking Nazis," said the mother. "Why did they take my son?"
Ukrainian forces in the Lugansk Oblast came under heavy attack near Zelenopillia.[71] The BBC reported under the headline "Ukraine president vows to act over army deaths":
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has said his forces will find and destroy pro-Russian separatists in the east who killed more than 20 soldiers in a single attack... Officials in Kiev say the separatists used Grad missiles... "For every life of our soldiers, the militants will pay with tens and hundreds of their own," President Poroshenko said.[72]
A cemetery in Dzerzhinsk, Donetsk Oblast, was also damaged by shelling.[74]
Refugees and a Wedding
A CNN report was filmed near the Ukraine-Russia border with the title: "Ukrainians fleeing to Russia for safety."[75] Reporter Phil Black said the following:
The Russian government wanted international journalists to see this. It's usually a highly restricted location - a checkpoint on the Ukrainian border - which guards say has come under repeated attack. They say gunfire and artillery from Ukraine tore up the ground and buildings here in recent days. This section of the border is now closed.
If you cross the border behind me and keep heading down that road you can get to Donetsk and Luhansk, some of the few remaining centres where militants are now holding out against the Ukrainian military. Russian officials say that since that Ukrainian government military operation has started to gain momentum, take back big chunks of territory from the militants, it's had a dramatic effect on the number of Ukrainian refugees crossing the border into Russia.
These are new arrivals - people who have fled their homes in eastern Ukraine. Their lives now packed into whatever bags they can carry. Among them, Elena, her daughter Anya, and their dog. Elena says they fled the fighting, the explosions, planes and tanks, which terrified her daughter...
Everyone here blames the Ukrainian government. This woman shows us what she says are fragments she collected in her yard from shells fired by the Ukrainian military.
These crying women believe the Ukrainian government has no regard for their lives. "For what. Why are we suffering?" she asks.
Natalia says, "I probably won't return to Ukraine, because I can't see a future for my children there. They broke our lives."
Officials say almost half a million Ukrainians are now sheltering in Russia. The government here believes much of the international community is neglecting the suffering of these people. But western countries believe it's Russia that could do more to stop the violence these people are trying to escape.At the main train station in Donetsk, the AFP filmed a report with the title: "Donetsk residents flee to Russia as Ukraine army nears."[76]
"I have regrets," said one woman. "I have lived here for over 40 years and it's very difficult for me to leave the city. But there is no alternative. The only condition for my return is that the Republic of Donetsk becomes part of Novorossia (New Russia)."
"We ask the international community not only to listen to Poroshenko and his officials, but also simple people like us," said another.
There was a wedding elsewhere in the city.[77] The groom, Arsen "Motorola" Pavlov, met the bride, Elena Kolenkina, in her home town of Slavyansk when he was fighting with the DPR there. Soldiers held big bouquets as they waited outside the venue for the couple to arrive. Strelkov and Gubarov were in attendance, along with Ukrainian and Russian press outlets.
Motorola is one of the more well known DPR fighters and Elena released an interesting video in June explaining why she had joined the militia in Slavyansk.[78]
Elsewhere in the Donetsk Oblast, a bridge was rigged with explosives over the Gorlovka-Dzerzhinsk train tracks.[79] This was presumably done to prevent the Ukrainian Army from sending equipment through.
Russia at the UN
Russia's representative to the UN Vitaly Churkin spoke in New York:
I'd like to say a few words about the situation in the east of Ukraine. We are deeply disturbed by the continued violence in eastern Ukraine. As it turns out the much-touted so-called Poroshenko peace plan turned out to be nothing more than a smokescreen for an intensified punitive operation in the east of the country, which is taking an increasing toll on the lives of civilians and for that matter on the lives of combatants as well.
The international community with the active role of Russia has tried to produce an impetus for a political settlement of the situation there. As you know, Russia actively participated in preparing 2 documents which in our view should be seen as the basis for a political outcome of the current crisis in Ukraine... which are basically being ignored by the Kiev authorities, continuing their military onslaught on the east of the country, with a population of close to 5 million people...
The Geneva statement of April 17[80] talks of ending violence, the joint Berlin declaration of July 2,[81] the first paragraph of that declaration talks of sustainable ceasefire but so far the military operation tragically continues...
We believe that the Security Council should express deep concern about the increasing number of casualties among the civilian population - including women and children - as a result of intensified combat operations, as well as about the destruction of civilian infrastructure.
..and we have over 100,00 refugees from Ukraine in Russia, we have several thousand people crossing the border every day, we have civilian infrastructure and villages and towns shelled, attacked by artillery and aircraft. This is an intolerable situation. But simply producing an ultimatum that people must capitulate and be subjected to a witch hunt which we see happening in Slavyansk for instance which has been taken over by Ukrainian armed forces, this is not something which we see as realistically happening. So in order for things to happen first of all there must be a sustainable ceasefire..
I do hope that the realisation will come to the members of the council who were blocking our efforts in the council, that something must be done. That simply this idea that, you know, people in the east are wrong and the Kiev authorities are right and Russia is to blame for everything, this is not going to lead anywhere.[82]
JULY 12, 2014
Marinka & Donetsk Hit From Ukrainian Positions
The town of Marinka in the Donetsk Oblast was shelled overnight, resulting in multiple civilian casualties. [83]
The New York Times reported:
War came to this small farm town Friday night in the form of rockets that crashed into an apartment building near a rebel base, killing a man while he was watching television in his living room.
It was the first such attack in Marinka, southeast of Donetsk, the rebel stronghold in eastern Ukraine’s pro-Russian insurgency, and appeared to be part of a broader advance by Ukrainian forces in the east on Saturday. The military hit rebel positions in Horlivka, a crucial town to the north, and in Karlovka, a town with a strategic bridge...
“Pigs,” said a man with gray hair who was wiping away tears. “People were sleeping in their beds.”
...Igor Nersisyan, a retiree who lives on the second floor, said he had helped a neighbor dig her husband out from under that rubble early Saturday morning. The man, whom Mr. Nersisyan identified as Victor Belotserkovny, was dead when they reached him, the top of his skull sheared off in the blast.
“They are trying to destroy peaceful people,” said Mr. Nersisyan, who blamed the Ukrainian military, as residents with bags of belongings walked away from the building.[84]One man was filmed digging out what was apparently a GRAD rocket.[85] "Here it is," he said after throwing it on the ground. "Ukraine. In one face."
"The hit was inside the house," said a firefighter on the scene. "Direct fire, you could say that."
"We see, a kitchen," said a cameraman as he filmed inside the house. "We see that there are many portraits here. It's probably her."
"You see yourself that it's just fucked up," said another firefighter. "There's nobody here, only peaceful civilians. What is this? It's just fucked up guys, I'm in shock."
The cameraman described rocket fragments as he filmed them. "We see that this is exactly Grad. The fragments are not characteristic of any other type of ammunition."
VICE News later arrived to report on the attack.[87] They filmed a devastated man by some shattered windows of the house.
"They were totally harmless," he said. "Fucking beasts. They killed those that don't even fight against them. If they did, I might understand. Fuckers."
He punched the window frame as he continued. "How can we ever forgive them? Fuck. It's impossible. This can't be fucking happening. I hope they die, all those who fucking shoot at people who aren't even soldiers. If you fight, fight against your enemies for fuck's sake. They are women. Fuckers. Beasts."
"I will fucking tear them apart," he said, mourning over one of the bodies. "I will tear that son of a bitch."
The attacks in Marinka and Petrovksy district were investigated by Human Rights Watch.[88] Senior Researcher Ole Solvang reported:
The fighting between insurgent and Ukrainian government forces in eastern Ukraine is taking an increasing toll on civilians. Unguided rockets apparently launched by Ukrainian government forces have killed at least 16 civilians and wounded many more in insurgent controlled areas of eastern Ukraine. On July 12th for example, multiple rockets hit a residential area in western Donetsk called the Petrovsky district, killing 7 people, including 2 children.
In another attack the same day multiple rockets hit another residential area (Marinka) just outside of Donetsk, killing 6 civilians. Human Rights Watch investigated the weapon remnants that we found at the attack sites and we were able to identify the rockets as Grads. These rockets are 3 metres long and can usually hit up to 20km away. Grad rockets are notoriously imprecise weapons that shouldn't be used in populated areas. These unguided rockets, first they cannot be targeted accurately, and in addition Grads are often fired in salvos from multi-barrel rocket launchers. That means that they will affect a larger area, and if there are civilians in that area they are likely to get hit.
Both the government and insurgent forces have such weapons, and in many cases it is challenging to establish who was responsible for a particular attack. And both insurgent and government focus deny that their attacks are killing civilians. But in 4 attacks against populated areas that Human Rights Watch investigated in Donetsk, the evidence strongly indicates that Ukrainian government forces were responsible. All the strikes took place in areas controlled by insurgent forces but close to the front lines, and by examining the impact craters we were able to establish the rocket's flight direction, which indicated that the rockets had been launched from government controlled areas.
The Militia
In Karlovka, DPR fighters walked along a street near one of their checkpoints, pointing out damaged areas and fragments for an accompanying camera man.[89]
In Donetsk, Strelkov gave another update to the press:
There have been no infantry or armoured vehicle movement on the enemy side. There have been a series of multiple rocket launcher shellings overnight, which mainly hit the industrial facilities and residential areas...
People are panicking. Mass evacuation has started, with the help of the local authorities and the militia. Militia has sustained no losses so far; we have neither deaths nor any wounded. The attack took a toll on the civilian population only...
There was some action near the village of Karlovka, and yesterday there was action between the towns of Ilovaisk and Amvrosiyevka where an enemy checkpoint was successfully attacked. It is possible that the checkpoint has been manned by soldiers of a Polish private military company as they were wearing insignia of the Polish Army.[90]
JULY 13, 2014
Attacks on Residential Areas Continue
More destruction was filmed in Marinka.[91] Walls were smashed, roofs were missing and a line of vehicles were destroyed.
Elsewhere in the Donetsk Oblast at least 2 people were killed in Krasnogorovka. Video shows houses on fire and bodies amongst scattered bricks and debris.[92] The roof of a gym was also hit.[93]
A video emerged online of an Afghan DPR fighter somewhere in Donbass.[94] He gave his reasons for joining the militia there:
I am Afghan, an ethnic Afghan. I came here of my own good will. Many will say: "What is he doing here, go away and mind your own business, blah blah blah," and so on. The matter of fact is that what happened in Ukraine also happened in our country. About 36 years ago. Our country was divided into two camps. One was helped by the Soviet Union, another - by the entire world with the US as a leader. It so happened that we lost that war, and the results are clear. Look at what's happened with Afghanistan - how many people have died...
I ended up in the Soviet Union in '85, through a bilateral agreement between Soviet Union and Afghanistan. I graduated from Boarding School #9 in the city of Volgograd. In essence, I got a solid Soviet education. Soviet education. And if now all of them start saying: "He is pro-Russian, pro-this or pro-that," trust me, in reality we have had very serious problems with the new democratic Russian authorities. We were treated as strangers. I am not here for the Russian government or for any other government. I am here for Slavs, for these people, the friendliest people, people who nevertheless are targeted for extermination. We (Afghans), were dealt with? Not quite, but they have almost dealt with us. And now they have come to do the same with Slavs. It is here that they must be stopped.
You see, all those people, who think that they are supporting the right cause, they are being shown atrocities, they are being shown how people wearing St. George ribbons rape, murder. These are saboteurs. How they kill someone. They are being shown this. They watch it and, believing that they are shown, they go and attack us. They go up against us, and they think that their side is the right one. The same thing, the very same thing was done in Afghanistan. Exactly the same, like a carbon copy. Do you understand? And now, the problem is no longer whether they are good or bad. The problem is that they remain ignorant of the evil they carry on their shoulders. They know not what they do...
They (the Americans) don't want anybody here, not Slavs, not anyone! These Ukrainians, who forgot their roots, they no longer consider themselves Slavs. But even they will have no place here! They need slaves here! ...
With Slavs they will do much worse. Because Slavs, they are that layer which carries its own civilisation, its own civilisational imperative. And at it's root, is contrary to all this business, contrary to all this world domination. They don't want Slavs. Do you understand? They don't want their spirit...
I would like to say that our land is still plentiful of strong men. The time has come to pay back our debts. When I came to study in the USSR I was fed three times a day; I had so much food that five kids (back in Afghanistan) could stuff themselves. A long, long time ago, my father - he perished in Afghanistan. He was murdered by servants of the Americans. Now it is the time for me, his son, to fight their dogs. And that is all. I would like to say this to them: "Don't worry, we are all with you, you have us all - Russians, Ossetians, Chechens, Afghans - we are all here, right next you, as one big family.In Donetsk, video-correspondent Patrick Lancaster filmed a house that was hit by artillery shells.[95] He filmed a shell stuck in the ground and spoke with a resident. One dog was apparently killed.
Strelkov spoke to a correspondent from LIFE News about the current military situation:
The Militia’s engaged in constant, uninterrupted fighting. At this moment in time, very heavy battles are ongoing near Lugansk. There the enemy’s concentrated enormous, overwhelming forces. According to our estimates, over seventy tanks are operating against us, or, rather, against our comrades in Lugansk, in that region. At this time, we’re sending whatever ammunition and reinforcements we can there.
However, the ratio of forces is simply disheartening, because, having put mercenaries behind the steering wheels of tanks, the Ukrainian side is seeking to have the outcome of the war decided by cutting us off from Russia. For our part, we try to help by attacking the enemy on various fronts. Thus, for instance, last night in the area north of Karlovka our reconnaissance team attacked a battery of Grad systems. One was destroyed, and one was damaged.
We will, of course, continue our attacks. However, it must be understood that the Militia is unable to fundamentally break the flow of this war, particularly because the enemy is indeed being supplied to the highest degree. We have information that four anti-tank Apache helicopters have been transferred into Ukraine, which they’re contemplating using not even against us, but against Russia, if it decides to help us in a more active manner...
After witnessing the use of chemical weapons in Semyonovka, nothing can surprise me anymore. Pretty much everything’s being tried to pull Russia into this war. Either that, or to obtain confirmation that Russia won’t enter this war and won’t defend its brothers here in Ukraine. They’ve effectively lost sight of the shores, if I may use this expression. They’ve simply lost all measure; lost all touch with reality. They’re no longer ashamed of anything. They think they’re entitled to do anything they want, to use whatever weapons they want, and to shell. They’d even shell Moscow, given the chance. There’s no honour, no conscience, and no common sense.[96]Elsewhere in the city, a car explored the streets with a camera attached for an amateur recording.[97] The city seemed like any other; it was hard to tell there was a war nearby. Although less populated than it once was, Donetsk remained functional, and independent from Kiev.
A DPR rally/concert took place in the centre of the city.[98] Ex-Ukrainian MP Oleg Tsarov and Alexander Borodai (introduced as the Premier of the Donetsk People's Republic) spoke from the stage, and musicians performed into the evening.
A large banner behind them read:
From Ukrainian Army
July 8, 2014 - Ukraine Prepares to Take Donetsk
July 8, 2014 - DPR Prepares for Ukrainian Assault
July 8, 2014 - Fatal Shelling in Lugansk
July 8, 2014 - Lyashko's Crackdown in Starobilsk
July 8, 2014 - Strelkov's Address on Donetsk TV
July 8, 2014 - The State Department, NATO & The White House
July 9, 2014 - Ruin in Slavyansk, Portest in Kiev
July 9, 2014 - Military Convoys
July 10, 2014 - Destruction
July 10, 2014 - Another Fatal Shelling in Lugansk
July 10, 2014 - Ukraine's Failed Assault in Karlovka
July 10, 2014 - The Donetsk People's Republic
July 11, 2014 - More Casualties
July 11, 2014 - Refugees and a Wedding
July 11, 2014 - Russia at the UN
July 12, 2014 - Marinka & Donetsk Hit From Ukrainian Positions
July 12, 2014 - The Militia
July 13, 2014 - Attacks on Residential Areas Continue
July 13, 2014 - Donetsk
FULL DOCUMENTARY - The Attempted Siege of Donetsk I (101mins)
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